
Unlocking the Last Piece in East Asia for Western Tech Breakthroughs

Mosaic Venture Lab partners with leading automotive OEMs and Tier-1s like Continental AG, leveraging Taiwan's strengths in AI-powered semiconductors to tackle industry challenges. We co-develop disruptive solutions, accelerating innovation and reducing risk. Our mission is to address fundamental pain points using a bottom-up approach, crafting solutions that pave the way for a transformative future.

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Case Studies

Mosaic has formed a strategic partnership with Continental AG, one of the leading automotive Tier-1 companies...
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Audi Hackathon
Pioneering Women-Centric Hackathon Unites Gender Diversity with Audi Innovation Award 2023. Inspired by Audi’s data, challenges...
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Corporate Accelerators
Mosaic Venture Lab and LITEON, a heavyweight in the consumer electronics industry, are collaborating through the innovative...
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Focusing on smart mobility, Mosaic Venture Lab has a mission to transform transportation
Since starting in 2019, Mosaic Venture Lab (MVL) has made significant strides......
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全球前三大汽車零部件供應商登台 結盟創投打造次世代供應鏈
擁有「馬牌輪胎」商標名的德國公司Continental,透過子公司Continental co-pace來台找尋新創公司和創新技術......
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光寶科成立「LITEON+新創平台」 廣邀各領域新創團隊
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Mosaic Mashup: Exploring the Future of Mobility with Yadia Colindres and Sarah Hung
Mosaic Mashup is back! This time, jointly organized by Mosaic Venture Lab and Women Techmakers Taiwan......
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Uncovering Taiwan’s Hidden Strengths in ICT and Semiconductors for the Automotive Industry
As a venture lab and technology scouts, it’s our mission to uncover innovative technologies and their potential impact on various industries.
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Monetizing the Advancements in AI: Opportunities in the Automotive Industry
As the automotive industry continues to evolve towards autonomous and electric vehicles, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly crucial for monetization opportunities.
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TechRoad 2023
AIA 2023 Hackathon
Demo Day 4
EP. 21 On the Road to the "Metaverse" Feat. Sebastian Hou
EP. 15 Tesla是不是過譽了?Apple Car正在崛起?! Feat. Sascha Pallenberg
EP. 10 Acer共同創辦人來啦!40年資訊產業老兵的新創再起 -- 從數位電子到數位光學 Feat. 邰中和 先生
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